Martha or Mary

As I was trying to figure out what to write about, God called me out yet again. I was trying to do this forty-forty challenge. It is forty miles with forty days of reading the book of Luke. It should be everyday but for me it isn't. I am about four days behind in writing and reading. I have really enjoyed this time because it was making me make time to be closer to God. As I was reading, there it was…

 Luke 10:41-42
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

What was happening during this time was Martha was getting distracted by the preparations that needed to be made. Mary was sitting at the Lord’s feet listening to him preach the good news.

God was speaking very clearly to me. I am Martha. The one who is distracted by life and all that I have to do. I have four girls, working a job, trying to get our old home ready to sell, and keep up with our new home. I worry, I clean, I prepare, and I run around like a crazy lady! I don't rest, I don't take time like I should for the Lord. I don’t get to sit at the Lord’s feet like Mary. The sad part is that I am choosing to let the tasks control my life instead of me taking moments with God. This is not who I want to be.

I want to be Mary. I want to be able to control my life enough to take moments of time out for God several times a day. Honestly, I need this in order to stay sane. I struggle on how and where to even start. I know that I need to work, take care of our four girls, get cleaning done, and all the extras that come my way.  In all of this, I need time alone to sit in silence with God. To sit at His feet and listen to all the good things that He is trying to tell me. This is going to be hard and a new challenge for me.

I have been successful at my Bible readings each year and there are days that still take control of my time, and I miss some. I know that I need God’s word everyday. I know that I need prayer everyday. I just want to be more like Mary and sit at His feet. To bask in His goodness. To reflect on all of our blessings. To talk to Him like He is my best friend. I want that closeness with Him. I want that time with Him more than I ever have.

For myself and hopefully others who are struggling with being full-on Martha, find time to sit with Jesus. We all have things that we can either hold off on or not do at all in order to make time for Our Lord and Savior. Don’t put Jesus off anymore. Make time for Him here on out. I will be praying for you and hopefully you can pray for me as well on this journey that I must take now.

Sara Bankard

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