Accountability in the New Year

Here we are going into the new year, 2024!! Life is sure flying by a lot faster than I could ever imagine. It is time for a new year and a new start on something in our lives. 

Lots of people make resolutions during the first of the year, but how many follow through 100%? It is easy to make resolutions about getting in better shape, finally starting a new career, setting family goals for the year, and so much more. The hard part is actually putting those things into actions and following through. My favorite verse comes to mind when I think of the new year. 

Hebrews 12:11
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Discipline is extremely hard. It can be painful to follow through on things when it is just easier to get back into our old habits. But what is that really doing to us? God has designed us to do and become better than we are right now. That is why I think you should have an accountability partner(s) for new goals in your life. Someone who has your best interests and can give you the tough love that might be needed. It is way too hard to try and accomplish big goals on our own, and I have lived through the temptations of breaking my goals. It was just easier to quit after some time and go back to the way that my life was because goals are hard. They take dedication, determination, time, energy, and so much more than we can give at times. 

God will always be there for us to pray and talk with along this journey. Seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, listen and pay attention. I feel that someone here on this earth can be that extra push and voice to help you get there. Or have multiple people help be that painful discipline push that you need for each of the goals you have set in your life. 

Pray and ask God to bring that person or people into your life. Make goals this year to better your relationship with God, get involved in missionary work, better your health, start that new career, mend bonds with ones that are broken, get out of debt, retire, and so much more. God will answer you and help you start this new year off right. Ask and then listen. 

God might send you an accountability partner that drives you crazy. He might send you someone who challenges you. Don’t be afraid, because that will be the one that sits with you at the end of this year when you two reflect on everything that you accomplished. 

Make bold goals this year, find the right accountability person, and stay close to God!  Doing these things can help you find success in your goals this year! 

Written by Sara Bankard

Sara Bankard

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