
If you were to ask people my favorite word, they would say “blessed”. 
When I am responding on a day that I feel overwhelmed and someone asks me how I am doing, I always say, “All I can say is that I am blessed.” Most people who really know me can tell what kind of day I am truly having. I know that God has blessed me with so many things, and even though I am having a stressful day or going through a storm, I can still see God’s blessing all around me.

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I even used to say, “Have a blessed day,” with extreme genuineness to customers or people who were rude and nasty to either me or some other person around me. Again, I was sincere, just wanting them to hopefully reflect on the way they treat people once they would walk away. I have had several come back and apologize to the person they upset or even me for the way they acted. I know that God is working through my words. We cannot let people get to us. We have to know that we are children of God, and He will take care of those who want to do harm to us.

When I am shopping in stores, most people end their greeting with, “Have a nice day,” but I am saying, “Have a blessed day.” I get this out before they even have the chance, and that is mainly because I worked retail for so long. I even get a smile at times once I say this, and they say it back to me.

Even when I used to work full time, I would try to help people who were struggling with the day. I would tell them that they can do only what they can and cannot control others, to know that I was there for them and together we would come up with a plan. This way it would benefit others and show them blessings that could come from working together as a team. I said “Blessed” a lot to the team.
I am always trying to teach my children about how blessed we are. We have been blessed with an amazing family that would do anything in the world for us. We have our food, home, clothes, and at prayer time they always say, “toys.” I am doing my best to teach them to look around for the beautiful things that God has created for us to see and resources to use.

The most important thing that I am teaching my girls this month is about God and Jesus. How He has blessed us with life and died for us. I think we all need this reminder each day about all the sacrifices Jesus made for us. How BLESSED we truly are because of Him.

I even have Blessed on my license plate with “In God We Trust” tags. That is how crazy I am about the word Blessed. See, I know that I am blessed.

The next time that you are having a bad day, going through pain, a storm, or even having a great day, reflect on how blessed you truly are. God wants us to give thanks for our blessings.

Written by Sara Bankard

Sara Bankard

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