
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Our Bridge family strives to build relationships and serve the people outside the walls of our building. If you are interested or have questions about any of the opportunities you see, please call (540-712-0770) or email Stacey Bowles at sbowles@bridgechristian.church

Ongoing Outreach Volunteer Opportunities

New Neighbor Buckets

If you enjoy meeting people and would be willing to give a new neighbor a free gift from Bridge then this is the ministry for you. We have developed a simple bucket filled with practical things that someone might need when moving into a house. We ask our participants in the New Neighbor Bucket Ministry to pick up a bucket at church, deliver them to families and individuals that move into their community, then pray for opportunities to invite that family to Bridge events. Time Commitment (15 Minutes)

Local School Support Teams

This Bridge outreach ministry focuses on supporting the administration, staff and students of many local schools. We support the deserving school workers through prayer, encouragement, gifts of appreciation, and special events. It is our goal to have a school support team in every school in the county. If you would like to explore what it means to create a support team in a local school, please let us know! Time Commitment (three hours per month)

Foster Care Minsitry

If you have a heart for children or just a love for people in general, we would like for you to consider investing that love in our Foster Care Ministry here at Bridge. This life changing ministry seeks to support foster families, foster care workers, and encourages new families to become foster parents. Regardless of your season of life there is something you can do to impact the beautiful children and dedicated parents in our Foster Care system. Time Commitment (1 hour)

Rugged Hands Ministry

If you enjoy working with your hands, then Rugged Hands Ministry will be a perfect ministry for you to serve in. Whether you are a skilled tradesman or just enjoy getting a little dirt and sawdust in your hair, Rugged Hands would be a great place to serve God and our neighbors.  Our Rugged Hands team serves the community by completing landscaping, building, and remodeling projects for the elderly, handicapped, and other families in seasons of need. This is a great place to meet and serve alongside other like-minded members of our Bridge family. Time Commitment (4-6 hours)

Bridge Builders

The Bridge Builders ministry encourages individuals and families at Bridge to build relationships with their neighbors! Whether you live on a rural road or in a bustling neighborhood we all have neighbors we can serve and build relationships with. Bridge Builders offers relationship ideas and tools that make meeting and serving your neighbors fun and fulfilling! We can also connect you with other Bridge families that live nearby. In the end we hope to earn the right to share the love of Jesus through our love, availability and service. Time Commitment (You set your hours)

National Outreach Ministry

If you have a heart for serving people with Christ's love we have a great opportunity to bless those affected by natural disasters here in the lower 48. We partner with the wonderful national ministry "God's Pit Crew" to rebuild homes for individuals and families that have been devastated by storms and fires. The construction teams can use skilled help and very unskilled help as there are many things to do on any given jobsite.  If you would like to be included in communication about future trips to serve hurting people in this way, please share your contact.

Rapid Response Disaster Relief Ministry

This wonderful ministry involves partnering with "God's Pit Crew" in cleaning up debri, trees, and damaged homes only days after storms have devastated an area. This is hard and dirty work but can be an incredible blessing to those impacted by the storms. Volunteers for this ministry will often receive fairly short notice of the need to serve and would need to be flexible and available with their time.
If you would like more information about being a rapid responder, please share your contact information.

Seasonal Outreach Volunteer Opportunities

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Thanksgiving Community Lunch

Each November dozens of Bridge volunteers work together to prepare and serve a wonderful Thanksgiving feast for members of our community. We invite and serve members of our fire and rescue teams that are on call, nurses and hospital workers at our local emergency room, as well as many people from our community that may not have family in the area or just want to be surrounded by warm and loving people during the holiday. Volunteers for the dinner prepare homemade food, decorate tables and serve food, build relationships and share conversation with our guests, and of course, eat. Watch for opportunities to serve at this wonderful outreach this November!

Operation Christmas Child

Each year Bridge volunteers fill and pack hundreds of shoe boxes with necessities and toys for children all over the world through Operation Christmas Child. This ministry also travels to national packing centers where they help to prepare the thousands of boxes for shipment to their deserving recipients.

WARM Shelter

If you have ever wondered where the homeless go in the winter when the temperature drops and the snow flies, then it may be comforting for you to know that churches from all over the area work together to house our homeless community through the cold winter months. Bridge hosts our homeless community for one week each year. During the week volunteers prepare meals, welcome our guests, and host them through the night as they get some much-needed rest. Look for opportunities to serve at the Warm Shelter as the cold month’s approach!


As we move into the fall season each September, our Bridge family invites you to join us for Fall-Fest, a celebration of service! The morning of Fall-Fest is filled with service opportunities that impact both our local community and people all over the world! Nearly 500 volunteers serve together to impact several large scale projects. Volunteers will frame multiple homes in the Expo parking lot for a deserving local families, pack food for thousands of hungry families around the world. Please consider setting the day of Fall-Fest aside in your calendar and join our Bridge family in serving God and the people He loves. After our work is completed, we will all gather inside at Expo to share in a meal to celebrate all God has done through this event.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out for more information.