interns & WORLD changers

Our Interns

Lucy Godby

Intern in New Zealand

Hey everyone, my name is Lucy! I am 21 years old and I currently attend Blue Ridge Community college where I am getting my degree in mental health! My desire is to use this degree on the mission field full-time one day to help guide children/teenagers through the challenges of life and share hope with them. I have had a few opportunities to serve overseas in the past few years and my heart for the nations has grown so much as I have seen the desperate need for Jesus. My goal is to make disciples who make disciples, and I am excited to see where the Lord leads me on this journey.
What Lucy will be doing:
While I am in New Zealand, I will be working alongside the Trusty family and their church, Current. I will be working a lot with the youth and focus on building relationships. This will include things helping with youth camp, Bible studies, outreach activities, and learning so much from the Trusty’s about what life on the mission field looks like full-time.

Callie Armstrong

Intern in Jamaica

Coming soon...
What Callie will be doing:
Coming soon...

WOrld Changers

Kierstyn Pierce

Shell, Ecuador

Bio: I am a student at LeTourneau University pursing a degree in Mission Aviation (professional flight and maintenance). The Lord sparked a calling inside of me to use my skills as a pilot to further His kingdom and to help people in hard-to-reach locations through use of aircraft.

What is Kierstyn doing? 
This summer I will be going on a monthlong internship with Mission Aviation Fellowship as a part of a "vision trip" class I am taking this semester at LeTourneau. This trip will provide an opportunity for me to see first-hand, the day to day lives of mission aviators and explore the field I feel the Lord is directing me towards.