What is GREATER?

Greater is our fundraising campaign running in 2024 & 2025 as we expand our building.  Our elders, ministry team, staff and leaders are convinced that God has something “greater” in store for Bridge and our community.  We believe He is calling us to “greater” things, and we’re ready to see Him work.

We are embarking on a new generosity campaign because we are convinced Jesus has
GREATER things in store for Bridge Christian Church. There are thousands and thousands of
children, teens, folks with special needs, and adults in our own area and around the world
who need something, or I should say Someone, GREATER - they need Jesus.

God is calling us to GREATER things. Let's get ready to see Him work.


We are currently maxing out our space, not just on Sunday mornings but also throughout the week.  Our desire is to make our facility, new and current, a gathering place that is the convergence of church and community seven days a week.  In order to continue to grow and make this possible, we need more physical space.

As part of this campaign, we also want to participate in “greater” things around the globe.  As is our practice, we are tithing from the money raised by the building campaign to missions.  We are never satisfied with just growing the church here in Augusta County but are striving to grow the Kingdom of God around the world, specifically in Sri Lanka.

What can I do?


We will ask you to pray about making a financial commitment above your regular giving. Consider giving:


Weekly or monthly for the duration of our campaign.


Think of non-cash gifts: real estate, boats, cars, stocks, bonds, etc.


As we continue in this building process and financial campaign here are some ways we would ask you to pray:


Pray that God would provide exactly what we need.


Pray for wisdom for our elders and leaders as they make decisions about the building project.


Pray for the entire construction process to go smoothly, without delay, setbacks, etc.


Pray for the team in Sri Lanka, the crusades and the churches that are being established.  Pray for protection for the Christians as they grow in their faith.

What is our goal?


(as of 10/23/23)


Have financial questions or how to give creatively?

Have questions about the Greater Campaign?