Want to learn more? Watch this video!

Want to Join Pathways?

DISCIPLESHIP PATHWAYS is for every single person at Bridge regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey and what you are gifted to do.  Our goal is to meet you where you are to come alongside you with intentional encouragement and accountability to continue in your path. 

Starting Point - March

Sunday, March 30th @ 10:20am
Do you ever look around Bridge and wonder, “How do I get involved? What’s next?” If so, join us for Starting Point, a relaxed 1-week study that will open the doors to our mission, strategy, beliefs, and goals for your future here.

Foundations Class - April

Sundays, April 6th, 13th & 27th @ 10:20am
Want to learn some of Bridge's foundational doctrines? This class is for you! The subjects that will be discussed include: Word of God, Bridge Leadership Structure, Communion, Baptism, Holy Spirit, and Sexual Purity. You will receive Biblical references per subject and hear great discussion on each area. This is a great way to know Bridge's beliefs and feel confident in our teaching.

Bible 101 - May

Sundays, May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
Bible 101 is designed to help you understand how the Bible is put together and find your way through it. Whether you are a newcomer to Christianity or a seasoned student, you’ll discover that sharing this study together will be greatly beneficial.  

Bible 201 - May

Sundays, May 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
Wednesdays, May 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th
Foreshadowing, the Covenants of God, Bible Prophecy and the Judgements of God will be covered. Todd Brown, Bridge's Lead Pastor, delivers the teaching via video. Bring your Bible & pen and be ready to dive deeper into God's word. 

Bible 301 - May

The next Bible301 class will be announced soon!
Bible 301 continues your study of God’s Word through four “portraits” of Jesus. Bridge’s Lead Pastor, Todd Brown, connects scriptures from the Old and New Testaments, revealing Jesus's four great titles: The Alpha and Omega, The Lamb of God, The King of Glory, and Our Great High Priest. This is a four-week study that includes teaching and discussion. Please bring your Bible and something to take notes with. Handouts will also be available.

Spiritual Gifts - April

Wednesdays April 2nd, 16th, 23rd, 30th @ 6:30pm
If you're on the Develop Pathway, this optional class is a fun way to discover, develop, and exercise your spiritual gifts. Sign up for this four-week session on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm, April 2, 16, 23, 30 in Meeting Room A. There will be no class April 9th.