With families


God-designed nature


Kingdom-minded workers

Becoming educational partners with families fostering each student's God-designed nature in order to send out kingdom-minded workers

Educational Philosophy and Core Values (B.R.I.D.G.E.)

The vision for Bridge Hybrid School is to provide an educational model to our community that supports the purpose of the family in order to make disciples that impact our world.


Building a safe, nurturing and Christian learning environment where students can thrive academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally.
We are dedicated to providing a structured educational environment that allows students to soak in learning and enjoy discovering the world around them in a multi-sensory way.


Recognizing the importance of providing a curriculum that utilizes family-stye learning and smoothly adjusts to at-home and in-class learning guided by qualified teachers in partnership with parents.
We are committed to integrating faith, learning, and character development in both the curriculum and electives, focusing on student interests that foster growth in all aspects of life.


Integrating Christ into all facets of the student’s journey by helping students see life through the lens of God’s Word.
We are devoted to developing in each student a passion to love God, love people, and make disciples. Students will learn to apply their faith in all academic subjects.


Developing a learning approach that encourages and bolsters creativity, curiosity, and diversity through differentiation and age-appropriate experiences.
We strive to support God’s intention for families through hands-on learning experiences that engage students’ thinking, reasoning, and interests.


Guiding students to grow into compassionate adults with a heart to serve others and honor their parents.
We will encourage students to pursue humility, giving of their time, energy, and resources, as they work alongside others.


Equipping parents to partner with teachers in the education and advancement of their children.
We recognize that family is the most crucial component of a child’s development, and we are working collaboratively to foster a sense of community with families.