Psalm 139

How Precious are His Thoughts Towards Us

I have many favorite books of the Bible, and one of them is definitely Psalms.  I have nicknamed Psalms as “ChapStick for the soul”.  It soothes where needed and pours in nourishment on my cracked and weary soul.  Psalm 139 stands out on my long list of beloved scriptures.

The Lord understands and knows our thoughts (vs 3), and He knows the words before they are on my tongue (vs 4) still unspoken.  

Check out verse 5.  It says, “You have encircled me behind and before.  And laid your right hand upon me.”  I love that illustration.  Of support.  Of tenderness.  Of protection.  Just like a loving Father. 

When we read verse 16 we see the Lord saw us before we were even formed, and He even had written all our days.  This is remarkable and shows us so much love.  To think God wrote out our lives and knows it all (our shortcomings, our mistakes, our sinful decisions) and still wants us is amazing!  I’m filled with love at this knowledge.  It is beautiful.

Go to verse 17.  It  says, “God, how precious your thoughts are to me; how vast their sum is!” In Webster’s Dictionary precious is defined as “of great value; cherished”.  Verse 18: “If I should count your precious thoughts of me, they would be more in number than the sand.”

Many believe God is watching and judging.  Marking mistakes.  But the Bible paints a different picture.  He shows us here that He thinks we are special.  He knows us and all of our flaws and still hedges us in and puts His hand on us.  We are His!

I can’t let the devil convince me that God is mad.  If I think of a sin or place I need to grow, I need to bring it to the light of confession.  And let God help me deal with it.  So often, I am convinced that my offenses and shortcomings are more evidence that I’m not making the cut; God isn’t happy.  But in the hands of the Holy Spirit, my faults can become purified, and I can grow through them.

This Psalm ends with “search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

The Lord already knows us all the way through.  As stated above, He knows where we are going and where we’ve been.  Even what we are thinking and what we will say before we say it.  

Thank you Father for the work you’ve already done on the cross and You intend to do in me.  Remind me that I am only a human, and You know me fully.  I can trust You.  Lead me as you change me and as I grow into Your glory.  Help me to remember to willingly surrender to you - 
my ugly stuff and my hurts, my frustrations and my doubts.  You are my King!  Let me be living as if it is so.  Amen!

Jackie Morris

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